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New Song!

The new song The Bucket List is now available in the music section. Watch the music video...

New Audiobook Just Released!

The new audiobook Mama Love and Her Spilled Milk is now available.

Acting Studio Classes ($58-week)

We produce an acting reel tailored just for you! We write a scene and film it featuring you as the solo character. It will look just like a scene from a movie. (Watch Sample)

Monologue Scene Production Sample

Duo Monologue Scene Production Sample

Revise Your Current Acting Demo Reel ($200)

the Pirates

Jimmy Andrews

Executive Producer - United States

Candyce Weir

Executive Producer - Canada

Susan Lavelle

Director of Acquisitions

Christina Andrews

Casting Director

Vanilla Palm Art, Audiobooks, Film, Music & Acting

Consider us pirates who love to tell stories!

(Not the looting kind.)

Film Library